So... for Dan Dubs, I'm gonna just bust some entries, (as in bust a move (but not the movie)) and see what happens.
At first I was like, "what should I write about?" you know? Whether or not to put punctuation inside sentences in parenthesis? "Naw..."
I figured I'd talked some on the CFEclipse (CFE) users list about where I thought we should look for the future of CFE, so why not do one on that?
I was also thinking about, well, I've got a ton of odd tidbits of code lying around-- as I see this blog entry getting saved automagically, I'm like "hey, I once got the little auto-saving ajax plugin for FCKEditor working with some stuff, maybe I should share that, seeing as FCK's in cf8"... it's not rocket science, and you can do most of it by reading instructions, (this is in reference to most of my stuff, really) but I figure, you know, I should at least take a stab at distilling (not sure that's the right word) what I know- hmm, condensing? Bah. anyways -- do it to save some other people some time, maybe- or, probably about the only good- give others ideas.
I try to follow standards and whatnot, but I'm (obviously) a bit, um, fast paced? Lazy? both fit. What I'm getting at tho, is I wouldn't want people to look at my stuff, and think "that's how you should do it" -- "that's one way to do it, maybe not the best- hell, maybe 'bad', even. Heh." yup, that's more like it. I talk a lot about standards, and organization... design patterns and whatnot, so I should really be a bit less sloppy.
Which I know, and I keep putting off sharing stuff because it's not perfect (or whatever- I always see things I could make better, etc., and I'm like... "I'll do this first, then put it up somewhere") and besides that, I've got a job that I'm devoting mad time to, so I can let it go feeling good about the future of the work we've done. I'm a [former, yay!] lone coder, but it's been a team effort for these applications. But I digress.
I wanna improve stuff.
For CFE, I think we should think about joining up with the WTP stuff, or the Dynamic Language Toolkit stuff (note to me: add links later).
We would instantly get some good benefits -- html, css, perhaps a integrated deal, for code completions and whatnot, or better mylyn integration, things like code folding and whatnot a little better abstracted than the current incarnation of CFE, I'd wager... I love what the java editor can do, like the auto-refactoring (you change a class name, it updates references to the class everywhere, etc.- slick stuff!) and whatnot, and I'd love to see CFE there. Or a little closer.
I think. I'm still working through the moral implications of contributing to a closed language. LOL. Not. ... Well, I'm not letting it stop me, although, seriously, I do think about it. I think about a lot. Think think think.
At least if we stated using some of those other open source projects, and we make ours better, it will be making theirs better as well, which turns me on. Yes, my nipples are hard just thinking about it.
For direction, perhaps I'll post a blog entry, with like some of the things I could blog about. The SVN stuff I've been working on (a repository browser and editor, using some dojo js and FCK (of course! Auto-saving y todo ;] ), or the StorageService concept I landed on for doing session/application/ORM/File(sorta)/And Soon SVN storage (it's kinda cool, I guess, but I think it's probably "wrong" as far as patterns go-- eh). Perhaps the (probably overkill) AOP access control stuff? The half-assed (yet it sorta worked) request streaming, "pushlet" deal I did off the original AOP logging example code (that I need to send to another Dan)?
Heh. I guess I sorta started hammering it out right here. That'll work.
I'm listening to the Violent Femmes at this precise moment (for me, of course. For you, hell, could be like hours ago, or maybe years... eons? Let's hope we're around that long...)
Fuck. I think I'm going to be cursing a little in these blog entries. Yup. That way it won't look weird when I eventually pull everything into the /real/ blog I'm gonna use, when I'm finished perfecting it, probably around half past a monkey's ass, quarter to a pimple.
I'm finished here, besides maybe adding links later, I think. Time to use my laser-like conscience for another blog target. Or maybe I'll just read some more email. Or spend a second on that livespeller for FCK... hmmm... adding some more keybindings to subclipse? Done with my work quota hrs already...
I'm getting organized, see.
Or something like that. Running disorganized, perhaps, but better than sitting and thinking (you know what I mean).